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Icon flexible Arbeitszeiten

Flexible working hours

Icon fachspezifische Weiterbildung

Specialized further education

Icon internationale Unternehmenskultur

International corporate culture

Icon moderne Arbeitsumgebung

Modern working environment

Icon vergünstigte Mittagsmenüs

Low-priced lunches

Icon tolle Karrieremöglichkeiten

Great career opportunities

Online application

Online application

Have you found a specific job opening that you find interesting, or wish to submit a application? We look forward to receiving your application, which should include a CV, cover letter, and relevant credentials.


After submitting your application through the online form, an automatically generated message will appear confirming that your application was received.


We will then carefully check your application documents. If further information or documents are required, we will contact you by telephone or email.


Suitable candidates will be contacted by management and invited to an interview conducted in person (or, alternatively, online or by telephone).


You will be informed as soon as a decision has been made. We will contact each applicant personally, whether or not they have been accepted.

Welcome to SPRINGER!

If you have been selected, you’ll promptly receive all relevant materials for beginning working at our company.

Job offers